Positive Attitudes

Positive Attitudes

The menopause is sometimes incorrectly stereotyped as the start of a gradual decline into old age, when your body loses its feminine qualities and becomes sexually redundant. Women know from experience that this is far from the truth. With care your body remains one to be proud of, your mental resilience continues to be great and you still have a valuable role to play in society. By adopting a positive attitude to life in general, and to your changing lifestyle and body in particular, you can improve the quality of your life and be living proof that this is only the end of the begining, not the begining of the ends.

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Staying Positive

Try to act on the following positive statements.

  • Being well-informed helps me to deal effectively with any menopausal symptoms that arise.
  • The speed of ageing does not accelerate after the menopause.
  • I deserve understanding from my partner and family.
  • If I experience menopausal symptoms, talk about them. The more open I am, the more I will help to break down taboos.
  • I have the right to take control of my life. If I don't want to rely on doctors or meedicines, I won't. There are good relaxation techniques as well as complementary and dietary approaches that can help deal successfully with any symptoms.
  • I can take steps to maintain and even improve the quality of my sex life. There is no reason why the menopause should be the begining of a sexual decline.
  • there's no time like the present for developing a new skill, hobby or project. I can even begin a second career.
  • I will embark on financial planning for retirement as early as possible, to take advantage of what could be my most creative years.

Thinking Positively

Referring to the menopause as the change of life is both misleading and counterproductive. The menopause isn't the only change that will occur during your life and its is unlikely to be the most significant one. Life is a series of gradual changes - we don't suddenly reach a turning point and start growing old when we reach midlife. Ageing is a continous process that begins the moment we are born and continues until we die. I believe that a healthy attitude to the menopause is to see it as a time in which to rediscover yourself, to assess (or reassess) your life and its purpose, and to establish new aims and goals.

By the time we reach middle age most of us carry around the received wisdom of society, leftovers from old traditions, fears that are often obsolete, and beliefs that may be borrowed. Without clearing out all these redundant feelings, we can lose touch with our inner selves.


A Personal Mantra

Positive thoughts and attitudes will maintain your self-esteem.

  • My body is strong and healthy and can become healthier each day.
  • My female organs are in good shape.
  • My body chemistry is effective and balanced.
  • I eat healthy, nourishing food.
  • I'm learning to handle stress.
  • I'm calm and relaxed.
  • I work efficiently and competently.
  • I have the freedom and confidence to enjoy life.
  • I can be happy and optimistic at this time of my life.
  • My life belongs to me and it brings me pleasure.
  • I devote time to myself each day.
  • My friends and family are more enjoyable than they have ever been.
  • I'm going through the menopause more easily and more comfortably with each passing day.